Type text by speaking, What’s new in android – Wintec FileMate Clear X2 and X4 Tablets User Manual

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Type text by speaking

You can speak to enter text in most places that you can enter text with the onscreen keyboard.
1. Touch a text field, or a location in text you’ve already ent ered in a text field.

2. Touch the Microphone key on the onscreen keyboard.
3. When you see the microphone image, speak what you want to t y p e .

Say “comma,” “period,” “question mark,” “exclamation mark,” or “exclamation point” to enter

When you pause, what you spoke is transcribed by the speech -reco g n i t i o n s e r v i c e a n d
e n t e r e d i n t h e t e x t f i e l d , u n d e r l i n e d . Y o u c a n

touch the Delete key to erase the

underlined text. If you start typing or enter more text by speaking, the underline disappear s. To
improve processing of your voice input, Google may record a f e w s e c o n d s o f a m b i e n t
b a c k g r o u n d n o i s e i n t e m p o r a r y m e m o r y

at any time. This recording remains on the device

only fleetingly and is not sent to Google.

To change your tablet’s speech set tings, go to

Settings > Personal > Language &


What’s New in Android

If you are new to Android, or perhaps new to the version that is on your Clear, you may want to
check out some of

the new features in Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). For a list of all changes since

Android 4.0, please click below:

Gesture Typing

(Android 4.2)

Instead of typing each letter, use Gesture Typing to input a

word without lifting your finger. You

don’t need to worry about

spaces because they’re added automatically for you.

TIP: Glide your finger over the letters you want to type, and lift it after each word.

PhotoSphere mode (Android 4.2)
Use Photo Sphere mode in the Camera app to capture 360 de gree photos.

TIP: Touch the Camera icon to open the app, then touch the mode options to select
Photo Sphere mode.