Relax with google play – Wintec FileMate Clear X2 and X4 Tablets User Manual

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Relax with Google Play

Google Play brings together all your favorite content in one place – movies, TV shows, books,
music, magazines, apps, and more –so you can reach it from any of your devices.

Use Google Play widgets

These widgets are available on your Home screens:

M y L i b r a r y . Displays your most recently used music, books, and so on. Touch any of the
images to see your content.

Recommended on Play. S u g g e s t s m u s i c , m o v i e s , a n d o t h e r content that may interest you.
Touch the suggestion to learn more about it.

R e c o m m e n d e d a p p s . Recommends apps that you can add to your Home screen. Touch the
recommendation to learn more a b o u t i t

To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the blue dots. To remove it, touch & hold,
then drag it to the Remove icon at the top of the screen. To add another Google Play widget,
touch the All Apps icon, t h e n

W i d g e t s , and swipe from right to left until you see the one you

want. Then touch & hold, and let go in the Home screen location you want.

Touch to
avoid future
like this

Touch to
see a

Touch to
learn more