UVP High Performance Ultraviolet Transilluminators User Manual
Introduction, Important safety information, Replacement parts and accessories

Operating Instructions
High Performance Ultraviolet Transilluminators
IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions
before operating your UVP Transilluminator
to familiarize yourself with its operation.
The UVP High Performance Transilluminators offer
the researcher uniform and intense sources of ultra-
violet light (radiation). The special design emits high
intensity excitation ultraviolet for back-illumination of
transparent fluorescent materials. Midrange ultravio-
let (302nm) provides a highly sensitive method to de-
tect double-stranded nucleic acids that are labeled
with fluorescent dyes such as ethidium bromide or
acridine orange. Single stranded nucleic acids may
be detected, but with a lower excitation wavelength
more sensitive for nucleic acid visualization than the 365nm model.
Note: Though UVP refers to the midrange UV waveband as 302nm, others refer to this region as 300nm
or 312nm. The spectral output of all these regions is the same.
Important Safety Information
A word of caution: All UVP High Performance Transilluminators emit powerful sources of UV radiation that
will cause damage to unprotected eyes and skin. Before operating any unit, be sure all personnel in the
area are properly protected. Personnel should protect skin and eyes by wearing ultraviolet protection eyewear,
gloves and clothing when operating UV equipment.
It is recommended the transilluminator be installed and operated in a darkroom where access and expo-
sure to UV is limited while the unit is in operation. If a darkroom is unavailable, UVP offers a wide selection
of darkrooms or shroud which provide protection from accidental exposure. For product information, con-
tact UVP.
Each transilluminator is shipped with an ultraviolet blocking cover. Even though this cover blocks the UV
radiation emitted by the unit, UV Blocking Eyewear should be worn as well. UVP has a complete line of UV
Blocking Eyewear: Spectacles, Goggles and Faceshield designed for this purpose. For accessory part
numbers, refer to page number 4.
Replacement Parts and Accessories
For replacement parts or components not shown here, call UVP Customer Service or place of purchase.
Please have the transilluminator model number available when you call.
Replacement Parts
Part Number
Part Number
Tube, 25 watt, 365nm longwave
Tube, 25 watt, 302nm midrange
Filter, Assembly for TFL-40 models
Gel-Tray, UV Transmitting, Large
Filter, Assembly for TFM-20 models
Gel-Ruler, UV Fluorescing
Filter, Assembly for TFM-26 models
Spectacles, UV Blocking
Filter, Assembly for TFM-40 models
Goggles, UV Blocking
Ballast, 115V models
Faceshield, UV Blocking
Ballast, 230V models
UVX Radiometer
Ballast, 100V models
UVX-31 Sensor, 302nm
Fuse, 3.2 AMP, Slo-Blo
UVX-35 Sensor, 365nm
Note: The UV transmitting Gel-Tray protects the transilluminator filter glass from scratches.
UVP, LLC warrants its ultraviolet transilluminators to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years
from the date of purchase. The foregoing warranty of UVP shall be of no force and effect if buyer has modified or damaged the
product. Tubes and filters are warranted for 90 days.
All warranties or merchantability and fitness for any purpose and all other warranties, expressed or implied, except those
expressly set forth herein, are deemed waived and excluded.
UVP’s duty under the warranty is limited to replacement and/or repair of the defective part at the option of UVP, LLC. UVP shall
not be liable for any expenses or damages incurred by the purchaser except as expressly set forth herein, and in no event shall
UVP be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. This warranty does not supersede any
statutory rights that may be available in certain countries.
UVP … Providing Quality Products for the Researcher Since 1932. From its start in 1932, UVP has become a story of growth
and value fulfillment. Today, UVP services the needs of science, industry and education throughout the world. A special
significance of UVP research and development arises from our constant communication with customers. UVP continually
invites your comments toward the improvement of UVP products or development of custom types of ultraviolet light sources.
UVP will work with you through development and production of a product that meets your specific needs. From all of us at UVP,
Thank You.
Web Site: www.uvp.com
Corporate Headquarters: UVP, LLC 2066 W. 11th Street, Upland CA 91786
Tel: (800) 452-6788 or (909) 946-3197 Fax: (909) 946-3597
European Sales Operations: Ultra-Violet Products Ltd. Unit 1, Trinity Hall Farm Estate,
Nuffield Rd., Cambridge CB4 1TG UK Tel: +44(0)1223-420022 Fax: +44(0)1223-420561
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