Operation – UVP Stable Ozone Generators User Manual
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Stable Ozone Generator
After unpacking, be sure that the reaction duct is free of packing materials. Connect the duct to an appropriate source
of gas. A gas flow meter and a differential pressure gauge are usually connected in the line between the gas supply
and the unit. The gas temperature probe is usually inserted at the exit of the unit duct, although at flow rates of 1
liter/min. or higher the temperature rise through the unit is small and is sometimes neglected in preference to thermal
measurement prior to entry into the duct, Some metals and, in particular, natural rubber tubing and many plastic
tubing, can readily react with ozone to decrease concentration and produce side products detrimental to many ozone
experiments. All gas lines downstream of the reaction duct should be made of glass, PTFE or similar material, which
do not assist in the decomposition of ozone.
After the proper gas flow has been established, the Pen-Ray lamp should be connected to the power supply and the
supply plugged into an outlet having the specified AC voltage. Never disconnect the lamp from the power supply
while the lamp is on.
NOTE: Power supplies are available for 120, 220, and 240 volts AC, as well as for 50 and 60 Hz operation. The
proper voltage and cycle ratings are necessary for the unit to operate properly. Operation of the unit at less than
85% of the rated voltage may produce an unstable discharge with erratic ozone output. Under no circumstance
should the power supply be connected to a voltage higher than specified.
For maximum stability, a constant voltage transformer can be used in the main electrical supply line.
A graduated shield is provided so that the user can reduce the
amount of ozone produced at any given flow rate. Initially, this
shield is set with the first index mark (the one nearest to the open
end) in line with the flange. In this position, the lamp is completely
covered. The shield has a number of other index marks down its
length which are provided for the convenience of the user in
establishing various operating conditions.
The 97-0066-01 (-02) Ozone Generator differs from the 97-0067-01
(-02) Ozone Generator only in its size and thus in the potential
quantity of ozone that it can produce. As seen in Figures 3 and 4,
the 97-0066-01 (-02) provides up to approximately 0.8 ppm of
ozone, and the 97-0067-01 (-02) approximately 3.0 ppm. The
curves are typical response curves of ozone rates for dry air at
25oC and 760 mm Hg.
The amount of ozone produced can be regulated by varying the
flow rate of the gas, the percentage of oxygen in the gas, or as
previously mentioned, the amount of radiation given to the gas by
adjusting the lamp discharge tube shield. If a particularly high ozone
output is required, it is suggested that pure oxygen be used as the
reaction gas, at lower flow rates, on several units connected in