TerraWave TW-ART-MOUNT-IS User Manual

High strength universal articulating mount

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High Strength Universal Articulating Mount

TerraWave’s High Strength Universal Ar cula ng Mount offers a rugged installa on solu on for pole or wall mounted
antennas and other WLAN accessories that may be installed in challenging environmental condi ons. The stainless steel mount
and accompanying stainless steel moun ng hardware create a strong, reliable moun ng pla orm. The mount ar culates
horizontally and ver cally for extremely flexible moun ng posi ons, and accommodates most types of low profile antennas –
regardless of polariza on ‐ for both indoor and outdoor applica ons. All TerraWave products are covered by the company’s 
two‐year TerraNet warranty program. For ques ons and to purchase the product, contact a Regional Sales Execu ve at  
210‐375‐8482, 800‐851‐4965 or 

[email protected]





3"(L) X 3.25" (W) X 4.75" (H)


3.25 lbs.


Stainless Steel

Operating Temperature Range

-40'F x +158'F

Mounting Style

Pole or Wall Mount

Mast Diameter

1.4" - 1.73"

Maximum Load

200 lbs.

Wind Speed Range

≤ 134 mph

Antenna Size

≤ 11.75” x 11.75” x 4.67”

Installa on Instruc ons: 
1. Securely fasten one end of the High Strength Universal Ar cula ng Mount to the wall surface. 
2. Fully loosen both of the ar cula ng mount arms. There should be no binding or resistance to the arms movement. Note: Do 
not force movement of the arms if resistance or binding is felt. Forcing movement of the arms could result in breakage. 
3. Posi on the arms in the desired loca ons. 
4. Tighten the arms in sequence, star ng with the arm closest to the mount surface. 
5. Secure the Antenna to the Universal Ar cula ng Mount once the arms are  ghtened in the desired posi ons. Note: Breakage 
of the High Strength Universal Ar cula ng Mount caused by failure to fully loosen the ar cula ng mount arms voids the  
TerraNet Warranty.

NOTE: Max load is a combination of antenna weight and wind strength