Warn, Clearance to combustibles – Schwank P40U Fenwal User Manual
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P40U-F / P40U-IF I&O Manual
RD: MAY 2014
RL: 5A
Clearance to combustibles
Location of flammable or explosive objects, liquids or vapors close to the heater may cause fire
or explosion and result in property damage, injury or death. Do not use, store or locate flamma-
ble or explosive objects, liquids or vapors in proximity of the heater.
The clearance to combustible material represents the minimum dis-
tance that must be maintained between the outer heater surface and
a nearby surface. The stated clearance to combustibles represents a
surface temperature of 90F° (50C°) above room temperature. It is the
installer’s responsibility to ensure that building materials with a low
heat tolerance which may degrade at lower temperatures are pro-
tected to prevent degradation. Examples of low heat tolerance mate-
rials include vinyl siding, fabrics, some plastics, filmy materials, etc.
In locations used for the storage of combustible materials, signs must be posted to specify the
maximum permissible stacking height to maintain the required clearances from the heater to
the combustibles. Such signs must either be posted adjacent to the heater thermostats or in
the absence of such thermostats in a conspicuous location. In addition to stored or stationary
material, consideration must also be given to moveable objects such as cranes, vehicles, and
overhead doors, and structural objects such as sprinkler heads, electrical and gas lines, and
electrical fixtures.
It is beyond the scope of these instructions to consider all conditions that may be encountered.
Consult local authorities such as the Fire Marshall, insurance carrier, or safety authorities if you
are uncertain as to the safety or applicability of the proposed installation.
Refer to Figure 1 and Table 1 for the certified clearances to combustibles for the appro-
priate model input/size.