A guide to hardware for schroth harnessbelts – Schroth Racing All models - Hardware Guide User Manual

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ardware for seatbelts is something that many people take for granted. Most people don’t even think twice about it. The old

adage – “only as strong as your weakest link” really does apply here. If your hardware isn’t right, your harness isn’t right. If

you don’t have your hardware wrapped or sewn correctly, then your harness integrity is compromised. Logistically, the right

hardware can make the difference between a clean and elegant installation that goes smoothly and a kludged setup that causes

great frustration and heartache. Nothing is worse than getting a new part and realizing that it doesn’t work the way you need it


The reason most people don’t think twice about harness hardware is usually because options don’t exist. What comes on the belt is what

you get, and you usually just have to make it work. Schroth approaches things a little differently by engineering hardware that will solve

specifi c problems that are encountered on a regular basis. This document should shed some light on the options available from Schroth,

and how you can use them to your advantage to end up with a harness that fi ts your vehicle application perfectly.

It will be very useful for you to have a clear idea of what the attachment points look like in your car. Make note of bolt diameters as well as

bolt angles, i.e. whether your bolt is perpendicular to the ground, parallel to the ground, or off axis. Correct harness installation techniques

are beyond the scope of this document. You should refer to the latest Competition Harness Installation manual from Schroth that can be

found on That document will give you a greater understanding of the angles and geometry required to get maximum

performance from your restraint system.

Your concern should be that the hardware chosen should be used to achieve the correct geometry and overcome any obstacles that present

themselves with your specifi c installation. Be sure to notice the angles present in your application, especially if you are having bolt-in brack-

A Guide to Hardware for Schroth Harnessbelts

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