RKI Instruments M2A User Manual
Page 43

M2A Transmitter Operator’s Manual
When applying gas to an NH
ESM-01, the 0.25 LPM flowrate regulator must be used.
All other M2As require a 0.5 LPM flowrate regulator.
Screw the calibration gas cylinder into (onto for an H
S cylinder) the fixed flow regulator.
Turn the regulator knob counterclockwise to open the regulator.
Allow calibration gas to flow for one minute.
Verify that the display reading is within ± 20% of the gas concentration.
NOTE: If the reading is not within ± 20% of the gas concentration, calibrate the M2A as
described in “Calibration, Combustible Gas, CO2, and Toxic Versions” on page 42 or
“Calibration, Oxygen Version” on page 45.
Turn the regulator knob clockwise to close the regulator.
10. Unscrew the calibration gas cylinder from the fixed flow regulator and unscrew the calibration
cup from the detector.
For an ESM-01 detector, pull the calibration cup off the ESM-01 sensor and screw the
splashguard back onto the detector housing cap.
11. If external alarms have been disabled, enable them when the display returns to a normal fresh
air reading.
12. Store the components of the calibration kit in a safe place.
Calibrate M2As that do not have an IR detector as described in “Calibration, Combustible Gas,
CO2, and Toxic Versions” on page 42 or “Calibration, Oxygen Version” on page 45. See
“Calibration Frequency” on page 41 for a discussion of calibration frequency guidelines.
Calibrate M2As that have an IR detector as described in “Calibration, Combustible Gas, CO2, and
Toxic Versions” on page 42. See “Calibration Frequency” on page 41 for a discussion of calibration
frequency guidelines.