RKI Instruments M2A User Manual
Page 18

M2A Transmitter Operator’s Manual
switch below it. The magnetic switches are for use in non-intrusive calibration. They are actuated
by bringing the magnetic wand close enough to them to actuate them. Although the magnetic
switches have the same functions as the push button switches, it is not practical to use them for
operations other than calibration because it is not possible to actuate two magnetic switches at once
with only one magnetic wand. Since displaying the Information Screen only requires the use of one
switch, the wand may be used to show the Information Screen (see “Information Screen” on
page 26).
Status LEDs
The M2A includes five status LEDs that are located above the display (see Figure 9).
Fail LED
The fail LED turns on when the M2A is experiencing a fail condition. A fail condition can be
caused by a detector failure or low detector signal.
Alarm 1 LED
The alarm 1 LED is on when the M2A is experiencing an alarm 1 condition.
Alarm 2 LED
The alarm 2 LED is on when the M2A is experiencing an alarm 2 condition.
These LED’s indicate data being received (RX) and transmitted (TX) when the M2A’s Modbus
output is operating.