RKI Instruments Pioneer 16R User Manual

Page 14

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Alarm Off Delay

Relay Action

Alarm Logic

Alarm Silence

Alarm Hysteresis

Calibration Time Out

Instrument ID (RS-232 or RS-485 address)

Noise Filter

Maximum Number of Channels (for use when connecting to other Pioneers)

Zero Suppression

Instrument Label

Navigating Through the Instrument Setup Program

Use the program buttons on the front panel to enter the program, move forward or backward through the
program, change settings within the program, and save or cancel changes to the program settings. Table
3-2 lists the function of each program button.

Table 3-2: Program Button Functions for the Instrument Setup Program




Moves you forward through the program

Saves changes made to the program settings

Enters the program (with the ESCAPE button)


Updates the setting that is flashing on the display screen


Updates the setting that is flashing on the display screen


Moves you backward through the program

Cancels changes made to the program

Enters the program (with the ENTER button)


No function in this program

Running the Instrument Setup Program

This section describes how to enter the program, display and change program settings, and save or
cancel changes to the program settings.

Entering the instrument setup program

Press the ENTER and ESCAPE buttons simultaneously three times. The upper left display
screen indicates that you are in the Instrument Setup program. All the screens of the Instument
Setup Program appear in the upper left display screen which displays channels 1 through 4
during normal operation.


Press the ENTER, UP/YES, or DOWN/NO button to continue. The program displays the Alarm
ON Delay screen.

Alarm on delay screen
This screen indicates the length of time that the PioneerR-16 delays alarm indications (buzzer and
relays) when it senses an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition. You can choose from a range of 0
Seconds to 60 Minutes. The default setting is 0 Minutes, 1 Seconds.


To accept the alarm on delay setting and continue the program, press the ENTER button. The
program displays the Alarm OFF Delay screen.


To update the alarm on delay setting:

Use the UP/YES and DOWN/NO buttons to display the setting you want.

Pioneer-R16 Operator’s Manual
