Instrument setup program – RKI Instruments Pioneer 16R User Manual
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When the gas reading of an active channel reaches the alarm 3 setpoint, the Pioneer senses an alarm
3 condition. The Pioneer alerts you to an alarm 3 condition as follows:
The ALARM 3 light turns on
The gas reading in alarm 3 condition continues to flash (the gas reading for O2 channels begins
flashing) and the buzzer sounds a faster pulsing tone than an alarm 1 or alarm 2 condition
The common alarm 3 relay energizes
The alarm 3 relay on the applicable analyzer card energizes
:The alarm 3 relay does not energize if you elect to use it as the channel’s fail relay in the
Channel Setup program (see the “Channel Setup Program” section of the applicable
detection insert ).
Responding to an alarm 3 condition
This section suggests response to an alarm 3 condition.
Follow your established procedure for a high level combustible or toxic gas condition or an
increasing oxygen content condition.
After the gas reading falls below the alarm 3 setpoint, press the reset switch to reset the alarm 3
circuit. Resetting the alarm 3 circuit turns off the ALARM 3 light, and de-energizes the common
and analyzer card alarm 3 relays.
:To silence the buzzer while in an alarm 3 condition, press the reset switch. You cannot de-
energize the alarm 3 relays until the gas reading falls below the alarm 3 setpoint.
Fail Condition
This section describes the audible and visual indications for a fail condition and
suggests response to a fail
Fail condition indications
The Pioneer senses a fail condition for any of the following:
The detector wiring is disconnected or incorrectly connected.
The analyzer card is disconnected or incorrectly connected.
The display reading is below the fail setpoint.
The monitor or detector is malfunctioning.
When the Pioneer senses a fail condition, it alerts you as follows:
The FAIL light turns on.
The gas reading in fail condition flashes
The buzzer sounds a steady tone
The common fail relay de-energizes
:If you elected to use the analyzer card’s alarm 3 relay as an individual fail relay in the Channel
Setup program, the relay de-energizes in a fail condition (see the “Channel Setup Program”
section of the applicable detection insert).
Responding to a fail condition
This section suggests response to a fail condition.
Verify that the detector wiring is correctly and securely connected.
Verify that the analyzer card is securely and correctly installed. (The components of the analyzer
card face left when the analyzer card is correctly installed.)
See the troubleshooting guide in the applicable detection insert.
Instrument Setup Program
This section describes the Instrument Setup program. You can display and change the following
instrument settings with the Instrument Setup program.
Alarm On Delay
Pioneer-R16 Operator’s Manual