RKI Instruments SDM-2009 User Manual
Page 19

Setting the Operational Parameters in Edit Mode • 15
Air Sample Time (AIr)
The air sample time can be set separately for bump testing and calibration. It is the
length of time that the SDM-2009 will draw air through the AIR fitting on the back of
the docking station. Air is drawn during a bump test or calibration before an air adjust
operation and to purge calibration gas from the system after calibration gas has been
drawn through the GAS fitting on the back of the docking station.
For the following parameters, the GX-2009’s setting takes precedence
over the SDM-2009’s setting as long as the bump test function in the
GX-2009 is turned on. For example, if the SDM-2009’s CAL setting is
set to OFF but the GX-2009’s Calibration After Bump Test Failed
setting is set to ON, a calibration will still automatically be started after
a failed bump test. If the GX-2009’s bump test function is set to off, the
GX-2009’s bump test settings have no effect and the SDM-2009’s
settings are used.
Calibration Gas Sample Time (GAS)
The calibration gas sample time can be set separately for bump testing and
calibration. It is the length of time that the SDM-2009 will draw calibration gas through
the GAS fitting on the back of the docking station during a bump test or calibration.
Bump Test Check Tolerance (CHE)
The bump test check tolerance only applies to bump testing. It determines how close
the instrument gas reading must be to the calibration gas concentration for each
channel during a bump test in order to pass the bump test. It is defined as a
percentage of the calibration gas concentration.The amount that the instrument gas
reading differs from the calibration gas concentration must be equal to or less than
this percentage of the calibration gas concentration. For example, if the tolerance is
set to 50%, and the %LEL calibration gas concentration is 50% LEL, then the bump
test gas reading for the LEL channel on the instrument must be 50 %LEL ± 25 %LEL.
Automatic Calibration (CAL)
Automatic calibration only applies to bump testing. It can be set to on or off. If it is set
to on, then the docking station will automatically perform a calibration if a bump test
• On
• Off
Table 3: Bump Test & Calibration Parameter
Bump Factory
Cal Factory