Precisionsound Dream Whistles User Manual
Page 7

© Copyright Precisionsound 2013
FX Page
On the FX page, you can apply a delay effect and a high-quality convolution reverb. From left to right,
the controls are as follows:
Level: sets the volume in decibels of the convolution reverb effect.
Type: changes the impulse response of the convolution reverb. Seventeen impulse responses are
available, ranging from short springs to churches and cathedrals. You can also disable the reverb by
setting this menu to “Reverb off”.
Level: sets the volume in decibels of the delay effect.
Delay on/off: enables or disables the delay effect.
Time: sets the gap in milliseconds between delay repetitions.
Tone: sets the high-frequency damping of the repetitions generated by the delay, where 0% provides no
damping, and 100% provides full damping for a darker sound.
Feedback: sets the extent to which repetitions generated by the delay are fed back into the delay, to
produce more repetitions. At 100%, the delay continues regenerating indefinitely.
Spread: sets the stereo image of the repetitions generated by the delay, where 0% is mono, and 100% is
full stereo for a ping-pong delay effect.