Precisionsound Funky Electric P200 User Manual
Funky electric p200

© Copyright Precisionsound 2010
Funky Electric P200
For Funky Electric P200 we used a well tuned and served Wurlitzer® 200A electric piano. The great
sound of this instrument is well known from several classic records of jazz, soul, funk and gospel
The complete SampleSet contains 550 individual 24 bit Mono WAV samples & 550 16bit samples (Sfz
version), 1 program each for HALion 1.*, HALion 2, EXS24, NI Kontakt 1/2, NI Kontakt 3/4 (With KSP
script and GUI) and Sfz.
All notes have been recorded in 24 bit without any post treatment. What you get is the pure and true
sound and response of the instrument in up to 5 velocity layers for note and release samples as well.
To keep the size down (under 170 MB) and still be extremely realistic, we looped most of the
samples. This was made very carefully so you won’t notice it.
- Multimonica II (14 pages)
- Orfeo Accordion (4 pages)
- Weltmeister Accordion (4 pages)
- Carina Accordion (4 pages)
- Solovox (4 pages)
- Maestrovox Ps-Mod (6 pages)
- EP-30 (5 pages)
- Dusty Electric MkII (3 pages)
- Mbira bva Zimbabwe (7 pages)
- Monzter Drumz (5 pages)
- Andes 25F (7 pages)
- Celtic Whistles (8 pages)
- Dream Whistles (9 pages)
- Monzter Guitars II (3 pages)
- Monzter Bazz (3 pages)
- Nordic Upright Piano (3 pages)
- Gothenburg Reed Organ (8 pages)
- Langegard PumpOrgan (3 pages)
- Knutby ChurchOrgan (6 pages)
- Indian Harmonium (4 pages)
- Hedberg TravelOrgan (4 pages)
- Gospel Drawbars (10 pages)
- Tranzitone (19 pages)
- Country Harp (10 pages)
- Naeshult Table Piano (10 pages)
- Nordic Psalmodikon (8 pages)
- Ukrainian Bandura (5 pages)
- Russian Balalaika (5 pages)
- Persian Santur (3 pages)
- Moldova Concert Cimbalom (6 pages)
- MEGHAN Celtic Harp (4 pages)
- Lyra (4 pages)
- Jetstream 2 (17 pages)
- Jetstream (17 pages)
- Analog Performer SFX (10 pages)
- Analog Performer NanoLoops (7 pages)
- Sonic Laboratory (5 pages)
- Hybrid Factory (11 pages)
- Exosphere (4 pages)
- Mechosphere (4 pages)
- Angelic Vocal Pads 6 (9 pages)
- Angelic Vocal Pads 5 (7 pages)