Precisionsound Dream Whistles User Manual

Page 4

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© Copyright Precisionsound 2013

Legato: enables realistic transitions between connected notes. When Legato is active, overlapping notes

in a melody line will sound more natural, because their attack is smoothed.

Activating Legato places the instrument in monophonic mode. You cannot play chords when

Legato is active.

The other Whistle controls are activated by the Legato button.

The Retrigger and AutoGliss controls are active and visible when the Legato button is on:

When the Legato button is off, the Retrigger and AutoGliss controls are inactive and hidden:

Retrigger: enables retriggering of held notes when Legato is active. This means that if you hold one note

and play a second note, when you release the second note, the first note will trigger again. Retrigger is

useful for playing trills.

AutoGliss: enables automatic switching to the glissando version of the currently active articulation. The

AutoGliss dial sets the minimum interval between notes for the glissando articulation to be triggered.

AutoGliss is a great feature for expressive playing, because it adds sampled glissandos to glide upwards

between notes.

Such glissandos are typically played only across large intervals, so the AutoGliss dial enables you to set

the minimum distance between notes that will trigger the sampled glissando.

AutoGliss does not permanently change the whistle articulation. It works on a note-by-note

basis, and only when the current note is higher than the preceding one.

If a glissando articulation is already selected, AutoGliss is unavailable and its display is blanked: