Precisionsound Nordic Upright Piano User Manual
Precisionsound Musical Instruments

© Copyright Precisionsound 2010
Nordic Upright Piano
The piano we have chosen for this SampleSet is the Futura II, made by Nordiska Pianofabriken
(Vetlanda, Sweden, in 1974)
The complete SampleSet contains 713 individual 24 bit Mono WAV samples.
The goal behind the Nordic Upright Piano is to capture the ring and dynamics of a good essential
Swedish piano. This is a sampled piano that gives you freedom to place it in any ambient
environment of your choice.
The instrument was sampled in mono and the position of the close positioned microphone was
changed per each octave. Then the piano was “re-built” in the digital domain by giving each string its
own position in the stereo field. The result is a dry piano that gives you the flexibility to place it in any
sonic environment you like.
The recording was supervised by an authorized concert piano technician to secure that it was
properly tuned.
Nordic Upright piano is sampled in 5 velocity layers at most, with 5 layers for note and 5 for release
samples for the whole keyrange (A0 to C8) and seamlessly looped.