Precisionsound Solovox User Manual
Precisionsound Musical Instruments

Hammond Solovox for HALion, Kontakt & SoundFont
After the polyphonic Novachord (1938), Hammond made the monophonic version
Solovox. (1940).
Hammond Solovox is the first commercial monophonic valve synth ever made and it is
completely tube technology under the hood.
The sound is warm and multidimensional.
The lack of polyphony makes it limited but with modern sampling you can release the full
potential of the warm tube sound with polyphony, envelopes, additional filtering etc.
The natural range of the Solovox is F1-B6. Divided into 4 registers; “Bass”, “Tenor”,
“Contralto” and “Soprano”. 4 different tone colours; “Deep”, “Full”, “First voice” and
“Second voice”.
The Hammons Solovox SampleSet contains 531 24bit mono samples mapped in 12
programs for HALion 1.1 », 14 programs for NI Kontakt 1.5.3 » & 23 programs in 1
SoundFont bank.
© Copyright Precisionsound 2007