Powertrax No-Slip Traction System User Manual User Manual
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differential. Vehicle modifications that tax the driveline may adversely affect the proper
operation of the Powertrax No-Slip Traction System. This would determine that the Pow-
ertrax No-Slip Traction System is not being operated under normal use and service, and
it should not be utilized in this manner. Be sure to read the Warranty section of this
User Manual. If an axle or associated component breaks in a vehicle equipped with a
Powertrax No-Slip Traction System, all torque will be transferred to the other wheel. This
could cause the vehicle to quickly pull toward the side of the break. Should this occur,
extreme caution should be exercised! DO NOT continue operation of the vehicle with
any broken or damaged driveline components.
As previously discussed in the How It Works section, either drive wheel or both wheels
will be powered while driving. This depends on whether the vehicle is being driven
straight, cornering or slightly turning. Small turning movements will cause the appropri-
ate side of the Powertrax No-Slip Traction System to disengage and re-engage. Should
you make sudden throttle changes or shift gears, you may feel a slight transfer of torque
from one wheel to the other until the torque equalizes. Unequal tire diameters may
cause the Powertrax No-Slip Traction System to equate the resulting difference in wheel
rotation to a slight turning condition. Be sure both tires are the same diameter and are
properly inflated. Do not use any “mini-spare tires” with the Powertrax No-Slip Traction
System, even temporarily.
As is also the case with other types of traction adding differentials, driving characteris-
tics with the Powertrax No-Slip Traction System will differ from conventional differentials
and will vary based on your specific vehicle type and driveline configuration. You may
feel torque transfer from both rear wheels to one, and back again. Should you wish to
minimize the effects of torque transfer, take turns under less throttle, and make throttle
changes more gradually to allow for the smoothest possible operation.