Sma 2.9, Introduction, Sma 2.9 for space applications – Northern Connectors Radiall SMA Series Coaxial Connectors User Manual
Page 45: Sma 2.9 for harsh environment
SMA 2.9
SMA 2.9 series is compatible with K® series, 2.92 mm, SMA and SMA 3.5 series and has a shortened male center contact,
ensuring a non destructive mating.
Radiall offers four product variations for SMA 2.9 to meet all your needs with two different designs. The standard design
is using our “ULTEM” insulator technology and is qualified up to 40 GHz. The high frequency design is using our “KAPTON”
insulator technology and is qualified up to 46 GHz. All versions feature the same electrical high performance and are
available in a variety of configurations.
• SMA 2.9 fOr generAl uSe, “ulteM” teChnOlOgy, dC-40 ghz
This robust design is suitable for most applications. The ULTEM insulator provides a high ingress protection level against
chemicals, fluids or dust and is well suited for high frequency aerospace and military equipment.
3D view of SMA 2.9 “ULTEM” design
• SMA 2.9 fOr teSt lAbOrAtOry uSe, “KAPtOn” teChnOlOgy, dC-46 ghz
The KAPTON insulator design is excellent for high frequency measurements in test laboratories. KAPTON is also very stable
with temperature. Radiall SMA 2.9 adapters using KAPTON are specified DC-46 GHz and operate within a large temperature
range - 65°C/+200°C.
3D view of SMA 2.9 “KAPTON” design
• SMA 2.9 fOr SPACe APPliCAtiOnS
Radiall is a certified manufacturer of connectors for space applications according to ESA specifications. A range of space
qualified SMA 2.9 connectors using the ULTEM insulator technology is available. Please consult us.
• SMA 2.9 fOr hArSh envirOnMent
Radiall offers as well a range of cable assemblies equipped with specific connectors for applications in harsh environment.
The connectors are made of high grade stainless steel 316L ultra resistant to corrosion and wear. Please consult us.
Body housing
Kapton Strips
Inner contact
Slotted holder