Safety – Multiquip MB25HD User Manual

Page 4

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page 4 — MB25hd reBar BeNder • operaTioN aNd parTs MaNual — rev. #0 (04/05/10)

For Your saFeTY aNd saFeTY oF oThers!

Safety precautions should be followed at all

times when operating this equipment. Failure

to read and understand the Safety Messages

and Operating Instructions could result in

injury to yourself and others.

This manual has been developed to

provide complete instructions for the

safe and efficient operation of this


Before using this equipment ensure that the operating

individual has read and understood all instructions in this


saFeTY Message alerT sYMBols

The three Safety Messages shown below will inform you

about potential hazards that could injure you or others. The

Safety Messages specifically address the level of exposure

to the operator, and are preceded by one of three words:

daNger, WarNiNg, or CauTioN.



Will be KILLED or SERIOUSLY InjURED if you

do NoT follow these directions.



CaN be Killed or SERIOUSLY InjURED if you

do NoT follow these directions.



CaN be InjURED if you do NoT follow these


haZard sYMBols
Potential hazards associated with the operation of this

equipment will be referenced with Hazard Symbols which

appear throughout this manual, and will be referenced in

conjunction with Safety Message Alert Symbols.

WarNiNg — respiratory hazards

alWaYs wear approved respiratory

protection when required.

CauTioN — equipment damage hazards

Other important messages are provided throughout

this manual to help prevent damage to your equipment,

other property, or the surrounding environment.

CauTioN — accidental starting hazards

alWaYs place the equipment ON/OFF

switch in the OFF position when the

equipment is not in use.

CauTioN — eye and hearing hazards

alWaYs wear approved eye and hearing


CauTioN — rotating parts hazards

Never operate equipment with covers or

guards removed. Keep fingers, hands, hair

and clothing away from all moving parts to

prevent injury.
