0 run the example lcf test, Run the example lcf test – MTS Multipurpose Getting Started User Manual

Page 10

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The contents of the Toolbox panel change depending on the
node selected in the Explorer panel:

Toolbox panel


When you select the Procedure node on the Explorer
panel, the Toolbox panel contains components that pertain
to test activities such as commands, data acquisition, test
flow control, and program actions.

When you select the Test-Run Display node on the
Explorer panel, the Toolbox panel contains components
that pertain to the display of test data, such as cycle,
variable, and signal views.

When you click the Procedure tab, the workflow panel
appears. On the workflow panel, you can choose to display

Workflow panel


the workflow contents using either the Flowchart View or
the Outline View. The workflow panel provides a work area
to create tests.You drag test activities from the Toolbox panel
to the workflow panel to build tests. This area changes
according to the currently selected Explorer node.

Allows you to define or change the information,
characteristics, and appearance of the selected procedure

Properties panel


activities and runtime display components. For example, you
can use the Properties panel to change the amplitude of a
cycle command test activity in a procedure, or the Y-axis
signal selection on a signal scope in a runtime display.

Shows error and warning messages that describe both critical
and noncritical conditions in the test definition. The Error List

Error List


is dynamic and changes according to the part of the
application you are using. Double-click the error message to
show the source of the error in the Resources tab.

Shows status information about events, such as logging into
the application, defining and setting up projects, and loading

Application Log


and running tests. The application stamps each message
with the generation date and time. You can type notes into
the Application Log. Messages persist from one session to
another. Run the Example LCF Test

The Example LCF Strain test is a simplified low-cycle fatigue test that yields realistic test data when run in

1. On the Control panel, click Reset to reset the simulated interlock condition.

10 MTS TestSuite

1.0 Introduction