MK Diamond Canoga 193 Gas User Manual
Page 28

MK DIAMOND PRODUCTS, INC. will guarantee every CANOGA® machine they build, to be free
from defects in material and workmanship for (1) one year from date of purchase. The obligation of
MK DIAMOND PRODUCTS, INC. under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of any
parts which, under normal use, prove to be defective in material or workmanship. The parts involved
or the unit in question should be returned to MK DIAMOND PRODUCTS, INC. or to a point designated
by us, transportation prepaid.
This warranty does not obligate us to bear the cost of labor or transportation charges in connection
with replacement or repair of defective parts. Likewise, it shall NOT apply to any unit which has been
subjected to misuse, neglect or accident. This warranty does NOT apply to any machine which has
been repaired or altered outside our factory.
This warranty does NOT obligate MK DIAMOND PRODUCTS, INC., with respect to items not of our
manufacture, such as engines, motors, hydraulics, etc., which are subject to their own guarantees and
We shall in no event be liable for consequential damages or contingent liabilities arising out of failure
of any equipment or parts to operate properly.
The Canoga logo is a registered trademark of Canoga Equipment and may not be used, reproduced,
or altered without written permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
and used with permission.
Canoga Equipment may have patents, patent applications, trade marks, copyrights of other intellec-
tual property right covering this product in this document. This manual MUST accompany the equip-
ment at all times. This manual is considered a permanent part of the equipment and should remain
with the unit if resold.
The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for
printing. Illustrations are based on the Model 193 Concrete Mixer. Illustrations, descriptions, references
and technical data contained in this manual are for guidance only and may not be considered as bind-
ing. Canoga reserves the right to discontinue or change specifications, design or the information pub-
lished in this publication at any time without notice and without incurring any obligations.
Canoga Equipment is a subsidiary of MK Diamond Products, Inc. Please contact MK Diamond
Customer Service with any questions you might have regarding distributors, parts or service.
Telephone: (800) 421-5830
Fax: (310) 539-5158
E-mail: [email protected]
Customer Service Hours: Monday through Friday, 6AM-5PM PST
MK Diamond Products, Inc.
1315 Storm Parkway
Torrance, CA 90501