Magna-loc, Ul 580 w – Metal Sales Magna-Loc 180 User Manual
Page 7

1. Metal Roof Deck Panels* No. 24 MSG min thick coated steel. Panel width, max 18 in., min 12 in.; rib height 2 in. Panels continu-
ous over two or more spans. The panel flat area may have optional striations or minor corrugations placed at various locations in the
panel flat area beginning min of 2 in. from side ribs. The upper flange of the panel rib may be horizontal, or optionally formed down
to form an angle of 0 degree to 90 degree between the vertical segment and the top flange of the rib. End lap to occur adjacent to and
within 12 in. of purlin (Item 6) with panels overlapped 2 in. min. An end lap back-up-plate (Item 2A) to be used. A bead of sealant
may be used at panel end laps and side ribs. Ribs to be seamed with an electric or hand seaming tool to form a flange with a tight hem.
Seaming process to include the upper portion of the Panel Clips (Item 2).
2. Roof Deck Fasteners* (Panel Clips) Located at side of panels over purlins (Item 6). (Max spacing 60 in. OC). When wood thermal
block (Item 4A) is used, clips to be located on top. Either of the following:
Fixed Clip (Not Shown) - One piece assembly fabricated from No. 22 MSG min thick steel, 3-1/2 in. wide.
Floating Clip - Two piece assembly with a base fabricated from No. 16 MSG min thick steel, 2 in. wide and a top fabricated
from No. 22 MSG min thick steel, 4-5/16 in. wide.
2A. End Lap Back-Up-Plate (Not shown) - No. 16 MSG min thick coated steel channel, 3 in. wide with two 3/8 in. deep legs. Max
length 74 in. Located under the panel end lap (50 ksi min yield strength).
2B. Roof Deck Fasteners*(Cinch Plate) (Optional) - (Not Shown) - width 1-5/16 in., length 18 in. max. Fabricated from No. 20 MSG
min thick stainless steel. Located over end lap.
2C. End Lap Back-Up-Plate (Optional) - (Not shown) - No. 16 MSG min thick coated steel. Width 11, 13 or 19 in., length 7 in. Two
3/4 in. by 3/4 in. tabs and a 1 in. deep vertical leg located at upslope edge of panel. Used with Item 2A when Item
*2B is not used (50 ksi min yield strength).
3. Fasteners (Screws) For panel clip-to-purlin attachment to be No. 1/4-14 by min 1 in. long self drilling, self-tapping hex-washer-
head plated steel screws. Two fasteners used per clip. Fasteners used at end lap to be one of the following: No. 1/4-14 by 1 in. long
Type AB point, self-drilling, self-tapping hex-washer-head plated or stainless steel screws or No. 12-14 by 1-1/4 in. long self-drilling
self-tapping hex-washer-head plated steel screws. Spacing for 16 in. wide panels to be a 1, 3, 4, 4, 3 in. pattern; spacing for 18
in. wide panels to be a 1-1/2, 3-1/2, 4, 4, 3-1/2, 1-1/2 in. pattern. When optional cinch plate (Item 2B) is used, four fasteners to be
required, inserted into factory punched guide holes.
4. Thermal Spacer (Optional) - Polyisocyanurate - 3/8 in. min, 2-3/8 in. max thick, 4 in. min width, length sized to fit between
panel clips (Item 2).
5. Insulation (Optional) - Any compressible blanket insulation 8 in. max thick before compression, or 6 in. max thick when
located between Thermal Spacer (Item 4) or Thermal Block (Item 4A) and purlin (Item 6).
6. Purlins No. 16 MSG min thick steel ( 50 ksi min yield strength ). Max spacing 60 in. OC.
Refer to General Information, Roof Deck Constructions for items not evaluated.
*Bearing the UL Classification Mark
Construction No. 506
October 16, 2001
Uplift - Class 90
Fire Not Investigated
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
© Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation/ Subject to change without notice/ Effective Date 9/11
800.406.7387 (Corporate Office) •
Ul 580 w
60" MAX