Basic tig operation – Longevity WeldAll 160PI/200PI/250PI User Manual

Page 37

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160/200/250PI AC/DC Series IGBT Machine

Basic TIG Operation

(Tungsten Inert Gas - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - GTAW)

Connect the TIG torch to the (-) terminal, Torch Control and Gas Outlet.

Connect the ground clamp to the (+) terminal of the machine and clamp the other side to the metal that will be

AC TIG (Aluminum & Magnesium): Select TIG on the function switch. The AC function will be required for
aluminum welding. Set desired amps using the Base current knob, AC freq., AC balance (start adjustments
around 30%). Post flow 5-10 seconds, Pulse Mode off.

AC TIG Pulse (Aluminum & Magnesium): Select TIG on the function switch. The AC function will be
required for aluminum welding. Pulse Mode will be set to on. Set the Pulse cur. knob to full left, then the
desired low amperage using the Base cur knob. Now adjust the high amperage using the Pulse cur. knob, Pulse
frequency, Pulse width, AC frequency, AC balance (start adjustments around 30%). Post flow 5-10 seconds.

DC TIG: Select TIG, DC, Pulse Mode off, desired amps using Base cur knob, Post flow 5-10 seconds.

DC TIG Pulse: Select TIG, DC, Pulse Mode on, set Pulse cur. knob to full left, then the desired low amperage
using the Base cur. knob, then adjust the high amperage using the Pulse cur knob, Post flow 5-10 seconds. Set
pulse controls as desired: Pulse frequency, Pulse width.

TIG Operation and Principles:

Shielding Gas: Use 100% Argon at 15-25 (cubic feet per hour). Set the gas flow using the regulator on the gas
bottle. Use higher flow when extending the tungsten electrode to reach into corners or gaps.

Tungsten Electrode: We recommend Ceriated tungsten (grey or orange) for TIG welding with our AC/DC TIG
welders. Ceriated tungsten’s will work for both AC and DC welding. Use smaller diameter electrodes for
thinner metal (low amperage), thicker electrodes for thicker metals that require more amperage. When using a
higher AC balance setting in AC mode, a thicker electrode will be required due to more heat moving into the
electrode. For the right tungsten electrode, please refer to earlier in this manual or go to


Filler Rod Selection: Depending upon the metal to be welded, filler rod selection is critical. Consult with your
local welding supplier for the optimum filler rod to properly complete the weld. In certain applications, TIG
welding can be performed without the use of a filler rod. Use a 5356 filler rod for most Aluminum. For more
detailed Filler Rod info, please read the filler section of this manual or go to
