Function library "canopensdodrv – Lenze Function library CANopenSdoDrv User Manual
Page 21

DMS 1.0 EN - 07/2011 - TD05
Function library "CANopenSdoDrv"
Function blocks
BlockWrite - write CAN index per segmented data transfer
Error number
> 0 For meaning, see chapter "
-1 TimeOut – no response received
Remedy: Increase the set timeout time at the tRxTimeout input.
-2 Response of station does not correspond to write request
-3 Value at the nIndexSize input is higher than 255
-6 Toggle bit in the SDO response has not changed its value.
-1011 Internal data pointer does not stand on the PLC RAM
-1012 The set CAN identifier (COB-ID) is outside the permissible range
Remedy: Assign a CAN node address between 1 and 127 to the
nAddress input.
-1118 No free CAN channel is available.
• Do not use one of the CAN objects CAN1_IN … CAN3_IN or
• Set C2118 to "1" (write parameter via SDO2).
Note: If C2118 = "1", the SDO2 channel is not available anymore!
• Switch off the generation of the sync object (C0369=0).
-1119 The transmit request memory is full. The transmit request could not
be entered anymore.
• Reduce the number of transmit objects.
• Increase the cycle time of the transmission objects.
• Increase baud rate.
Generally, an object is sent every 250 μs.
-1120 CAN driver is not initialised
Remedy: Initialise the CAN driver with the L_CanInit function from
the »LenzeCanDrv.lib« library.
-1121 Wrong driver number
-1150 CAN bus is not in the "Operational" status
Remedy: Configure the system bus interface "CAN on board" of the
PLC target system as master (C0352=1).
-2011 Internal data pointer does not stand on the PLC RAM
-2012 The set CAN identifier (COB-ID) is outside the permissible range
Remedy: Assign a CAN node address between 1 and 127 to the
nAddress input.
-2120 CAN driver is not initialised
Remedy: Initialise the CAN driver with the L_CanInit function from
the »LenzeCanDrv.lib« library.
-2121 Wrong driver number
-2150 CAN bus is not in the "Operational" status
Remedy: Configure the system bus interface "CAN on board" of the
PLC target system as master (C0352=1).
Identifier/data type