Commissioning 4 – Lenze SL User Manual
Page 35

Lenze 13466147 EDBSM01 v19 EN
Commissioning 4
AUTO RESTART WITH DC BRAKING: Upon a START command, after a fault, or upon application
of power, the drive will apply DC BRAKE VOLTAGE (Parameter 22) for the duration of DC BRAKE
TIME (Parameter 21) prior to starting (or restarting) the motor.
FLYING RESTART 1: LOW performance. Slowest synchronization and lowest current level. This
setting results in the smoothest synchronization.
FLYING RESTART 2: MEDIUM performance. Faster synchronization and higher current level. This
setting allows faster synchronization while retaining smoothness.
FLYING RESTART 3: HIGH performance. Fastest synchronization and highest current level. This
setting allows the fastest synchronization, but sacrifices smoothness.
When programmed for auto-restart (settings 04 - 07), the drive will attempt three restarts after a
fault. The interval between restart attempts is 15 seconds for setting 04, and 2 seconds for settings
05, 06 and 07. During the interval between restart attempts, the display will read “SP” to indicate Start
Pending. If all three restart attempts fail, the drive will trip into FAULT LOCKOUT (displayed “LC”) and
require a manual reset. Refer to Section 5, Troubleshooting.
The FLYING RESTART 1 - 3 settings allow the drive to start into a spinning load after a fault or upon
application of input power. They differ in the time required to find the motor speed and the amount
of current required to synchronize with it. The faster the drive attempts to find the motor speed, the
more current is required. The first two restart attempts will try to start into the spinning load, but
the third restart attempt will act like AUTO RESTART WITH DC BRAKING.
Settings 02 and 04 - 07 require a two-wire start/stop circuit to operate. The RUN contact
must remain closed for the power-up start and auto-restart functions to operate.
COAST TO STOP: When a STOP command is given, the drive shuts off the output to the motor,
allowing it to coast freely to a stop.
COAST WITH DC BRAKE: When a stop command is given, the drive will activate DC braking
(after a delay of up to 2 seconds, depending on frequency) to help decelerate the load. Refer to
Parameters: 21 - DC BRAKE TIME, and 22 - DC BRAKE VOLTAGE.
RAMP TO STOP: When a stop command is given, the drive will decelerate the motor to a stop
at the rate determined by Parameter 20 - DECELERATION TIME.
RAMP WITH DC BRAKE: When a stop command is given, the drive will decelerate the motor
down to 0.2 Hz (at the rate set by Parameter 20 - DECELERATION TIME) and then activate DC
braking according to the settings of Parameters 21 - DC BRAKE TIME and 22 - DC BRAKE VOLTAGE.
This is used to bring the load to a final stop, as the motor may still be turning slightly after the
drive stops.