Lanze – Lenze 2126IB LECOM-Li User Manual
Page 12

The fibre-optic d~stributor transmits the signais (rom the tibra-optic
top ring (channei 0) to all 4 fibre-optic subrings (channel 1-4)) and
the signals from the 4 t;bre-optic subrings (channel 1
4) are
tranamitted to the tibre-optic top ring (channel 0). You can connect
either one, several or ne drive controllers to a fibre-optic subring.
Wben de-energizing the drive controller, only the communication
with the drive controtlers connected to this aubring is interrupted, all
other drive controllers can be contacted.
Multi-cascading of tbe tibre-optic distributors
possible, i.e.
another tibre-optic distributor can ha connected to the fibre-optic
sehnig, and then another tibre-optic distributor can ha connected
to thls subring, etc. (to find out about the maximum number of (ihre-
oplic diatnibutons, please see 2.6).
Because of the multi-cascading ot the tibre-optic distrihutors, it is
possible to connect only one drive controller to a fihre-opt:c
If one of the drive controllers is de-energized, the commun~cation
with the other drive controllers will not ha interrupted.