Advantages of water cooling, Advantages of koolance systems – Koolance EXT-400SL-V2-R User Manual
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Congratulations on your purchase of a Koolance system!
As the most sophisticated product of its kind, Koolance offers many unique features found
nowhere else in the realm of computer cooling. In addition, you can expect to enjoy all of
the advantages that water-cooling technology brings with it.
Advantages of Water Cooling
Water transfers 30 times faster, and holds over 4 times more heat than air.
this thermal conductivity and specifi c heat capacity, it’s easy to see why liquid cooling is
getting a lot of attention from hardware manufacturers.
Heat-producing devices in a typical computer are cooled by air. Generally, this involves
mounting a heat sink and fan to each component. For example, heat generated from your
CPU (or other heat source) is transferred into a metal heat sink, where a fan blows air
across its wide surface area.
While altering a heat sink’s size and makeup can improve the effectiveness, it is still
limited because air absorbs and transfers heat very slowly. To help compensate for this,
the fan is often run at a higher speed. Many people have therefore come to equate high
performance with high noise. As systems continued to be upgraded, the required heat
sinks simply got larger and louder.
Liquid cooling greatly reduces the noise issue.
A larger amount of heat is withdrawn
from the components more quickly, and less airfl ow is required to cool them.
The heat exchanger is also located remotely from heat-producing devices, so airfl ow can
be controlled. This considerably reduces dust accumulation on sensitive hardware and
can result in a cleaner overall system.
Advantages of Koolance Systems
Koolance is the fi rst company to offer fully-integrated, consumer-level PC liquid cooling
systems to the world-wide market. Our products are designed and built to look and
operate professionally
. You will not need power tools or a tape measure to install your
Koolance system, and it should even be less diffi cult than assembling your own computer.
Koolance offers liquid coolers for every major hardware device.
Providing enormous
fl exibility, you can customize your system to fi t your specifi c needs— cool dual processors
in a server, multiple hard drives in a RAID confi guration, or add video cooling to a gaming