Metal halide 575w – GAM METAL HALIDE 575W User Manual

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GAM Product # GL4002.15/30,25/50


Local Operation

Set the switch to manual operation. You can switch the

lamp on and off by the main switch. Use the dim potenti-

ometer to regulate intensity.

Notes on METAL HALIDE 575W Lamps

Frequent power cycling with operating times less than

two minutes will dramatically reduce life time. To achieve

operating temperature quickly set intensity to full for the

first 2 minutes of operation. After a hot re-strike do not

switch off the lamp until it achieves operating tempera-

ture (ca. 1 minute). This will cause ignition problems and

reduces the lifetime. Important information for hot re-strike:

The MSR HR Lamp, which is used in GAM METAL HA-

LIDE 575W is generally hot re-strikeable.

But there are two conditions, where hot re-strike may not

be possible.

After cold start:

Normally you should NOT switch the ballast off when

the lamp has not reached operating temperature (after

2-3 minutes). This could cause problems with hot re-strike

and reduces the lifetime of the MSR lamp. On immediate

restart (also after power loss) the lamp ignites promptly. A

problem could occur if you try to ignite the lamp after 30-

60 seconds. After another couple of minutes the restart is

possible without any problems.

After a longer operating time (more than one hour):

If you try to hot re-strike the lamp in this period, it is pos-

sible that the igniter-system ignites several times before

the arc is established. If the arc could not be established

after 4-5 attempts (old MSR lamp), the igniter will be de-

activated. Only when you give another ignite command

(per DMX or manual) will the igniter be working. In this

case it will be helpful to switch the ballast off, wait a

couple minutes and switch it on again.

Lamp Adjustment
All lamp houses are adjusted when they are shipped.

Because of lamp variations it could be necessary to

readjust them with the attached wrench. The PAR units

need not be readjusted.
At the rear of the lamp houses are 3 holes, which pro-

vide access to the adjustment screws. Use an allen key

to bring the lamp into optimum position. Proportionately

turning of all 3 screws counterclockwise causes lamp

focus to approach a hot spot in the center with all off

around the edges.
Proportionately turning all of the screws clockwise

causes a de-focusing, with the fall off in the center with

the edges becoming bright. Turning only one of the

screws moves the area of highest light intensity in the

direction in which the screw is turned. Counterclockwise

the light intensity moves away from the screw, clockwise

towards the screw.