Environmental Express HotBlock Pro User Manual
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800.745.8218 / 843.576.1147 / www.environmentalexpress.com
Environmental Express
• 8
Operation and Instruction Manual
Easy, Intuitive Operation Using the HotBlock™ Pro™ Controller
The HotBlock
Pro controller, catalog # SC180, provides operational control of either one or two HotBlock™ Pro™
digestion blocks simultaneously. The two blocks controlled may be either the SC181 for 50mL samples, the SC182 for 100mL
samples or any combination of the two styles. The SC180 controller also works with just one digestion block and does not have
to have two digestion blocks connected. The controller continually measures block temperature throughout the digestion
process. The optional external thermocouple (SC183) may be used to measure sample temperature. These temperatures are
continually displayed on the full color screen in the STATUS mode.
The full color, touch screen is easy to navigate. To move from screen to screen simply touch the name of the desired
screen at the top of the touch pad with your finger (see screen illustrations below).
The color touch pad controller has four operating screens. They are the Status screen, Calibrate screen, Method screen and
Timer screen.
Following are descriptions and illustrations of these screens and their functions.
The Status Screen Continually Displays Current Operating Conditions.
When you choose the Block you want to monitor, The STATUS screen will
appear. You have the option of monitoring either Block 1 or Block 2 or both
Blocks simultaneously.
The first screen to appear when you turn on your block gives you the option
of choosing Block 1 or Block 2. Choosing either block will take you to the
STATUS screen.
The first screen to appear will give you the option
of choosing BLOCK 1 or BLOCK 2. Choose the appropriate
• Next, the STATUS screen will appear. When operating two
blocks you can toggle between the two by pressing the strip at
the top of the screen. BLOCK 1 STATUS is shown in the sample
screen pictured bottom right. To view the status of two blocks
simultaneously, press the STATUS key in the lower right corner
of your screen. The STATUS screen continually displays current
operating conditions of each digestion block throughout the
digestion process. This screen allows the analyst easy access to
essential information including the method in progress, block
temperature, set point temperature and sample temperature.
The top of the STATUS screen displays the method number
and the step number of the method being performed for
each block. Individual blocks may perform different methods
• The STATUS screen continually displays the actual temperature
of each graphite block in operation as well as the set point
temperature of each block. When an external thermocouple
is used, the STATUS screen displays the sample temperature.
When the external thermo-couple is NOT in use, the Sample
Temp field displays ***.*.
• Please note that the HotBlock™ Pro™ does not control the
sample temperature directly, only the block temperature. The
relation of the sample temperature to the block temperature
is affected by variables including sample type, environmental
conditions and use of watch glasses or similar devices.
• If there is a programmed SOAK time, the STATUS screen
displays the time remaining in the SOAK period. The SOAK
cycle will not begin until the temperature is within 3°C of
SET POINT temperature. The flashing green light (bottom left)
signals that the SOAK cycle has begun.