Quickstart guide, Time set up – ECOXGEAR IRMS300: MicroSystem User Manual
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time set up
What you need before you can use your Internet Radio:
A broadband internet connection is required.
A wireless (Wi-Fi) modem or router connected to your broadband (cable or DSL) internet.
NOTE: IF your wireless (Wi-Fi) network is password (WEP or WPA) protected, please obtain your
password before proceeding to Step 1. All passwords are UPPER and lower case sensitive.
Step 1: Plug the round jack from the power cord into the back of the radio and the other end into a wall
outlet. The display should turn on within approximately 4 seconds and flash a series of messages.
The messages that are briefly displayed will be „Grace Digital Radio‟, „Starting…‟ then „Scanning‟.
NOTE: If your radio does not automatically start scanning when plugged into power the 1
time, please
press the power button to turn your radio on and to view the main Internet radio menu. Scroll the large
dial to the left or right until the word „settings‟ is in brackets {}. Press the large dial inwards to select
„settings‟. On the top of the next screen please select „Network Configurations‟ by pressing the large dial
inwards. (To go back to previous menus at any time press the „back‟ button on the radio). On the top of
the next screen please select „Scan for Networks‟ by pressing the large dial inwards.
Step 2: The radio is now scanning for available Wi-Fi (wireless) network(s) in your area. After the
scanning process is complete, the radio will display the names (also referred to as SSID‟s) of one or
more wireless networks that are within range. Scroll the large „Select/Menu‟ dial to the left or right until
the name of your network (SSID) is highlighted by placing the name of the router between the brackets
{}, for example {your wireless network}. Once your router is highlighted, push the large Select dial
inwards to select your network.
NOTE: If your radio does not display the name of your wireless network (SSID) please make sure that
your router is transmitting in 802.11b/g mode. Additionally, please make sure you are within range of
your wireless network.
Step 3: The display will now prompt you to enter in your network‟s key. This „Key‟ is the same key
(password) you use to connect a wireless device (laptop, mobile phones, game console etc) to your Wi-
Fi (wireless) network. This key or password is also sometimes called a „WEP‟ or „WPA‟ password or
„code‟. If you do not know your password, please contact the person or company that set up your
network to obtain your password.
NOTE: All passwords are upper and lower case sensitive. Thus letters must be entered correctly using
upper or lower case as was used to set the password originally. Numbers are not case sensitive.
To enter in your password, scroll the large „Select‟ dial to the right or left until the 1
letter or number in
your password is located in the center of the radio‟s display. Press the large dial inward to select the 1
letter. Continue this process until the final letter or number is selected.
NOTE: If you make a mistake at anytime, press the „back‟ button to erase the letter(s) or number(s) and
select then select the correct entry. After the final letter or number in your password is selected rotate
the large dial until the word „END‟ is in the center of your display. The word „END‟ is located in front of