Switch on the heater, Switch off heater, 3 operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Remote User Manual

Page 9

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VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn | 9

switch On the heater

heATing OR VenTiLATiOn

press the

button, the connection is set up

with the stationary unit is.

Data transmission

LeD: lights up green

LeD: flashes 12x

The heater is switched on.
Operating time 30 minutes (factory setting)

please nOte!

The following action is possible during opera-
Query the operating state of the heater

see page 10


switch Off heater

heATing OR VenTiLATiOn

press the

button, the connection is set up

with the stationary unit is.

Data transmission

LeD: lights up green

LeD: flashes 12x red

The heater is switched off.

please nOte!

The following actions are possible after
switching off:

switch heater back on again.

Change operating time (see

from page 10


switch to heATing or VenTiLATiOn.

from page 12


3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT