3 operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Remote User Manual
Page 11

VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn | 11
3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT
seLeCTiOn OF The OpeRATing TiMe
10 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 1x red
20 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 2x red
30 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 3x red
40 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 4x red
50 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 5x red
60 minutes operating time
LeD: flashes 6x red
Confirm the selected operating time in the
pauses between the respective flashing
sequences by pressing the
Data transmission
LeD: lights up green
LeD: flashes e.g.
4x red
The selected operating time is saved and
is indicated by flashing once again (e.g.
LeD flashes 4x red for an operating time of
40 minutes).
please nOte!
The flashing signals for selection of the
operating time are indicated from the current
operating time up to the 60th minute and then
twice completely from the 10th to the 60th
Mobile unit is then OFF (standby).
The setting can be exited with a timeout.
Do not press the
button during the
setting, as otherwise the operating mode