Switch to heating or ventilation, 3 operation and setting/adjustment – Eberspacher EasyStart Remote User Manual
Page 12

12 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn
3 OpeRATiOn AnD seTTing/ADjusTMenT
switch tO heating Or VentilatiOn
please nOte!
This function is only possible if the heater
supports the VenTiLATiOn function.
A switched on heater is switched off with this
keep the
button pressed until “CuRRenT
OpeRATing TiMe is DispLAyeD” appears.
Data transmission
LeD: lights up green
LeD: flashes red for
8 seconds
Data transmission
LeD: lights up green
The current operat-
ing time is indicated
by flashing.
Release the
button while the operating
time is flashing.
please nOte!
Make the following setting within 30 seconds
of letting go of the
press the
button again; the operating
mode is changed.
switch from heATing to VenTiLATiOn
LeD: flickers green
for approx. 10
switch from VenTiLATiOn to heATing
LeD: flickers red for
approx. 10 seconds
please nOte!
The operating mode is permanent until it is
changed over again.
The setting can be exited with a timeout.