The following faults are possible, 5 what to do if – Eberspacher EasyStart Remote User Manual

Page 16

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16 | VehiCLe heATeRs – TeChniCAL DOCuMenTATiOn

5 WhAT TO DO iF …?

the fOllOwing faults are pOssible


pOssibLe CAuses

ReMeDy /CusTOMeR

The mobile unit cannot
be activated

battery dead.

Replace battery (

see page



no battery inserted.

insert battery (

see page 14


battery inserted wrong way

insert battery correctly (


page 14


LeD at the button flashes stationary unit is in learn mode.

The display switches itself off
after 30 seconds or teach the
mobile unit as described in the
installation instruction.

please nOte!

if you are unable to remedy the error or fault,
please contact an authorised je workshop or
dial the following service phone number.