Recording preset crossfade time – Doug Fleenor Design PRE10-P User Manual

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A crossfade is a fade where the new preset levels entirely replace the previous levels. Each of the ten presets can have its
own unique crossfade tim e. Crossfade tim es default to two seconds.


Crossfade tim es range from a m inim um of 0 seconds to a m axim um of 999 seconds (16.65 m inutes).


Crossfade tim es can not be set while the Preset 10 is locked out (RED LED is illum inated).

To enter a different crossfade tim e:


Disconnect the Preset Ten from any DMX512 source.


Press the button of the preset you wish to edit. The GREEN preset indicator LED will illum inate.


Using a sm all blunt object (i.e. paper clip), depress the recessed FADE TIME button located below preset num ber 5.
T he indicator LED, adjacent to the preset you selected to edit, will now flash. You will have ten seconds to set the
crossfade tim e before. If you decide after depressing the FADE TIME button that you do not wish to m ake an edit
sim ply wait ten seconds to exit or press the FADE TIME button a second tim e. No changes will have been m ade


Enter the tim e in seconds using the PRESET SELECT buttons. Use PRESET SELECT button 10(OFF) to enter a
zero. (i.e. 120 seconds is entered by pressing PRESET SELECT button 1 followed by 2 then 10). The tim e setting
com m and is com pleted by one of three m ethods.


Enter a three-digit tim e. The third digit will com plete the entry. The GREEN preset indicator LED will illum inate
steadily indicating success. A one or two digit tim e m ay be entered with leading zeros (i.e. five seconds as
005 or 10, 10,5).


Enter a one or two digit tim e followed by pressing the FADE TIME button. The GREEN preset indicator LED
will illum inate steadily indicating success.


Enter a one or two digit tim e and wait for ten seconds. The GREEN preset indicator LED will illum inate
steadily indicating success.