Det-Tronics PIRECL Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector PointWatch Eclipse SAFETY MANUAL User Manual

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A HART handheld communication device can be

used to monitor internal status or to modify the factory

settings of the PIRECL. Refer to the PIRECL HART

Communication Appendix in the PIRECL instruction

manual for guidance on using HART communication.

Alternate protection measures must be used as needed

while modifications to safety related parameters are

being made.

While in the process of calibrating the detector, it is not

able to signal an alarm. During this time, the device is

not performing its safety function.


Prior to device configuration, all alarm outputs
must be bypassed. The device is not safety
certified during configuration change activities.


All configuration changes to the PIRECL must be
verified by the user via a proof test, power cycle
and re-check of settings, or other appropriate
method. The safety functionality must be
validated prior to reliance on the product for
safety protection.

Configuration Protection
Upon completion of installation and commissioning, it

is required that the user password-protect the safety

related parameters that are accessible via HART in

order to prevent accidental or deliberate change

of configuration data during normal operation. To

password protect the PIRECL, the user must set the

write-protect function to “on” and enter an 8 character

password. The user should check the write protect

status to ensure that it is set to “on”.

The user will be required to disable write protect

prior to any future configuration changes, and must

re-enable write protect upon completion of these

changes to ensure that HART communication remains


All normal installation and startup recommendations

as documented in the STARTUP section of the PIRECL

instruction manual are applicable to the Safety Certified


Safety-Certified PIRECL models require Proof testing

to be performed in all cases.

Personnel performing Proof Test procedures shall be

competent to perform the task. All proof test results

must be recorded and analyzed. Any corrective

actions taken must be documented in the event that an

error is found in the safety functionality. The proof tests

must be performed prior to commissioning the device

and at least as often as specified in Table 1.


Failure to perform the specified testing and
inspection may lower or void the SIL rating for the
product or system.

Tools Required: None

Visual inspection of all Safety-Certified PIRECL models

shall be conducted as needed to confirm that no

external blockage of gas/vapor path into the sensing

chamber exists, eg. debris, trash, snow, mud, external

equipment, etc. Corrective action shall include

removal of such impediments should they exist. All

gas detectors must be inspected to ensure that they

are capable of providing expected performance and

protection. PIRECL provides an onboard status LED

that indicates Green color upon inspection when

internal operational parameters are normal. Abnormal

operating parameters are indicated by Amber color

(Fault) or Red color (Gas Alarm).

Completion of Visual Field Inspection Proof test must

be recorded and documented in the SIS logbook.

PirECL Proof Test Name



Visual Field Inspection Proof Test


As needed, depending on level and

type of contaminants present

Response Proof Test


1 year

Table 1—Frequency for Performing Proof Tests