B dial plan, B.1 dial plan activity, B.2 dial plan syntax – CounterPath X-Lite 4 for Mac User Guide User Manual

Page 51: Do you need to read this information, The default dial plan

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X-Lite 4 for Mac User Guide


B Dial Plan

You can create a dial plan to modify the the call input (what you type, select or drag onto the call entry field) to
ensure that the call gets placed successfully. Modifying the input is useful when using numbers from a contact,
which may include symbols such as the + symbol.

Do You Need to Read this Information?

You do not have to read this dial plan information if the default dial plan behavior (below) is acceptable.

If you need to modify the input (for example, to prefix the number with “9”), then you must create a dial plan.

The Default Dial Plan

The default dial plan is:


where #n is the account prefix; in other words #1 for the first account and so on.

X-Lite supports only one SIP account, so there is no point in including the #1 when you place a call. However,
if you are used to eyeBeam, you may be used to entering #1. This dial plan supports that habit: the dialplan
removes the #1 and then places the call on the SIP account.

B.1 Dial Plan Activity

When you make a call, X-Lite takes the phone number (the input) and performs the following:

Cleanup. This step is not part of the dial plan: it is always performed even when there is no dial plan.

Input is cleaned up by removing spaces, dashes, open brackets, and close brackets. Cleanup allows X-Lite
to support calls placed using contacts from a contact list, including Microsoft® Outlook®.

Matching. X-Lite compares the input to the patterns in the dial plan. If a match is found, the transformation
associated with the pattern is peformed.

Transformation. If a match is found between the input and a pattern, that pattern’s transformation (if any) is

Place Call. Then the call is placed using the transformed input.

B.2 Dial Plan Syntax

The dial plan has the following syntax:




Items in [ ] are optional.