3 advanced settings, Advanced settings – CounterPath Bria iPhone Edition 1.2.8 User Guide User Manual
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Bria iPhone Edition User Guide
4.3 Advanced Settings
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If you make changes to the fields identified by a
, you must tap the Apply Changes button at the
bottom of the screen or restart Bria.
Network Traversal Strategy
Tap to display the choices; see below.
Use VPN If Active
If you are using Bria with a VPN connection to your network, set this field to ON, to
force Bria to select the VPN network interface.
If you are not using a VPN, set to OFF.
Do not set this field to ON when you not using a VPN connection: the wrong network
interface may be selected, resulting in registration problems.
Voice Activity Detection
• ON (default): audio is not transmitted when no one is speaking. Turning this feature
on may reduce bandwidth usage.
• OFF: audio is transmitted when no one is speaking.
Noise Red
Noise Reduction. When ON, Bria attempts to reduce background noise. Typically ON
when you are not using a headset, typically OFF when you are using a headset.
If desired, ask your VoIP service provider if QoS is supported. QoS (Quality of Service)
can allow your phone calls to be given a higher priority on the network.
Audio Codecs Selection
Tap to display more information about these two fields. See page 30.
Verify TLS Cert
Applies only if you use TLS as the transport.
ON (default): Bria attempts to verify the certificate, sent by the SIP server, to see if it is
trusted. For the certificate to be trusted, a corresponding CA certificate, provided by your
VoIP provider, must be installed on your device (using the iPhone Configuration Utility
for example).
OFF: Bria accepts the certificate without attempting to verify it.