About this manual – CounterPath Bria Professional 2.5 Provisioning Guide User Manual
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About this Manual
This manual describes the mechanism of remote login/provisioning. It describes how to set up a server (or
servers) for the remote login and optionally the remote provisioning, remote update and remote upgrade
features of Bria Professional
Remote login controls access to the application; the softphone will not start until the user has logged in.
Remote provisioning lets you configure the softphone remotely.
Remote update lets you change the configuration of a given deployment of Bria Professionalat runtime
(outside of the login process).
Remote upgrade lets you deploy upgrades of the software remotely.
This manual is intended for:
System administrators who have purchased Bria Professional from the CounterPath website and are
deploying Bria Professional in their enterprise using remote logging and (optionally) remote provisioning.
(See Bria Professional Administrator Guide for other ways of deploying.)
Service providers who have purchased Bria Professional from CounterPath Sales, without further
customization or engineering changes.
This manual is intended to be read in conjunction with:
“Configuring Bria Professional Retail Edition”, which describes the features that can be configured
through remote provisioning.