4 preferences - directory, Preferences – directory, 4 preferences – directory – CounterPath Bria for Linux Administrator Guide User Manual

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4.4 Preferences – Directory

If your organization has an LDAP server, you can configure Bria to connect to that server. The entries from the
directory will appear in the Directory tab (alongside the Contacts and History tabs).

In Directory Type, select LDAP; other fields appears; see below.



Server Settings


The hostname or IP address of the directory server. For example,

Authentication method

Anonymous or Simple.

Choose Simple if your LDAP server requires a valid login in order to allow binding and searching
the directory.


The full DN of the username that will be used for authenticating to the directory.

For example:


Leave blank if Authentication is set to Anonymous.


The password for the username. Leave blank if Authentication is Anonymous.

Root DN

The “base” DN of the server where searches will begin. The entire subtree under the Root DN will
be used for searching. For example:

OU=users, OU=company, DC=example,DC=com

Search expression

The query used to filter valid users in the directory. This query can be used to retrieve only
members of a group, for example. For example:

(memberOf=CN=Corporate Users, Ou=Groups, OU=company, DC=example,DC=com)

Attribute Mapping

All fields

In this section, map the names of the attributes that are in your directory to the corresponding
fields in Bria. The field label is the Bria field. The field box specifies the attribute name.