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Infrared: -67 to 482 °F / -55 to 250 °C

Probe: -67 to 626 °F / -55 to 330 °C


0.5 °F / 0.2 °C


0.95 - default

(adjustable from 0.10 to 1)

Distance/Spot Ratio: 2.5:1

opeRation - infRaReD MeaSUReMent

Infrared temperature is displayed at the top of the

display. Press and continue to hold down the SCAN

button to take temperature measurements. The unit

will take temperature measurements and update the

display while the SCAN button is pressed and held.

While the SCAN button is held, the white spotlight

will illuminate the general area being measured.

After the SCAN button is released, the last

temperature measured will be displayed for

approximately 15 seconds, the display will then

turn off automatically. HOLD will appear on

the display when the SCAN button has been

released to indicate that the unit is no longer taking

temperature measurements.

opeRation - pRoBe MeaSUReMent

Probe temperature is displayed at the bottom

portion of the display. Rotate the temperature

probe to the desired position. Place the probe

in contact with the material to be measured then

press and release the PROBE button to take

temperature measurements. When the PROBE

button is pressed and released, the unit will take

temperature measurements continuously for 4

minutes, and will automatically shut off.

To manually turn the unit off while displaying the

probe temperature, press and hold the PROBE

button for 2 seconds, HOLD will appear on the

display and the last temperature measured will

be displayed for approximately 15 seconds, the

display will then turn off automatically.

Selecting °f oR °c

To change the display mode from °F to °C or from

°C to °F, press and release the SCAN button,

press the MODE button four (4) times, then press

and release the SCAN button.

Haccp cHecK featURe

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

is a systematic preventive approach to food safety

and pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical,

chemical, and biological hazards as a means of

prevention rather than finished product inspection.

HACCP is used in the food industry to identify

potential food safety hazards, so that key actions,

known as Critical Control Points (CCPs) can be

taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards

being realized.

The HACCP check feature incorporated into this

thermometer are the following critical temperature


Safe Cool/Frozen condition - Indicated by

a green light when the temperature measured is

below 40°F/4°C.

Safe Holding condition - Indicated by a green

light when the temperature measured is above


Danger Zone condition - Indicated by a red

light when the temperature measured is between

40 to 140°F/4 to 60°C. This is the temperature

range in which microorganisms (such as bacteria)

live and grow.

MiniMUM teMpeRatURe DiSplaY MoDe

This mode is only available for infrared temperature measurement.

In MIN mode, the lowest temperature measurement

taken while pressing the SCAN button is displayed.

This value will update each time a new lower

temperature is measured.

To enter MIN mode, press and release the SCAN

button, press the MODE button (MIN will appear on

the display), then press and hold the SCAN button

to take temperature measurements.

After the SCAN button is released, the last

minimum temperature measured will be displayed

for approximately 15 seconds, the display will

then turn off automatically. HOLD will appear

on the display when the SCAN button has been

released to indicate that the unit is no longer taking

temperature measurements.

MaXiMUM teMpeRatURe DiSplaY MoDe

This mode is only available for infrared temperature measurement.

In MAX mode, the highest temperature measurement

taken while pressing the SCAN button is displayed.

This value will update each time a new higher

temperature is measured.

To enter MAX mode, press and release the SCAN

button, press the MODE button twice (MAX will

appear on the display), then press and hold the

SCAN button to take temperature measurements.

After the SCAN button is released, the last

maximum temperature measured will be displayed

for approximately 15 seconds, the display will

then turn off automatically. HOLD will appear

on the display when the SCAN button has been

released to indicate that the unit is no longer taking

temperature measurements.

locK fUnction

This mode is only available for infrared temperature measurement.

The lock function allows the thermometer to take

measurements without having to press and hold the

SCAN button. When the lock function is activated,

the unit will take continuous infrared temperature

measurements for 60 minutes and will then turn off

automatically to preserve battery life.

To activate the lock mode, press and release the

SCAN button, press the MODE button three (3)

times, then press and release the SCAN button.

LOCK will appear on the display and the °F/°C

indicator will flash to indicate that the unit is in the

lock mode and is taking measurements.

To manually de-activate the lock mode, press and

hold the SCAN button for 2 seconds. LOCK will no

longer appear on the display to indicate that the unit

is no longer using the lock function.

After the SCAN button is released, the last

temperature measured will be displayed for

approximately 15 seconds, the display will then

turn off automatically.

DiStance Spot/Ratio

There are other factors that may affect infrared

measurement accuracy. The target must completely

fill the spot diameter seen by the infrared sensor;

otherwise, readings will be influenced by the surface

surrounding the target. The ratio of the distance to

the size of the spot being measured is 2.5:1. For

example, an object’s diameter of 100mm can be

measured from 250mm.


Emissivity adjustment is optional. Emissivity

adjustments are used to provide a truer temperature

reading. Different materials radiate infrared energy

at slightly different temperatures. The emissivity

adjustment is used to compensate for different

types of materials. The default emissivity of 0.95

will cover 90% of typical applications.
The emissivity table provides a guide of different

approximate emissivity values for different materials.
When the emissivity of an object is unknown, use

a non-infrared thermometer, such as a thermometer

with a surface probe to measure the object’s

surface temperature. Adjust the emissivity until

the temperature of the Infrared Thermometer

matches the temperature of the surface probe.

The emissivity value arrived at by this method

may be used to measure similar materials.
To adjust the emissivity (optional):

1. Press and release the SCAN button, press the

MODE button five (5) times. The emissivity

value (# #E) will appear on the display.
2. To adjust the emissivity value, press the SCAN

button. Press and hold to advance the display

The emissivity can be set from 0.10 to 1.00 in 0.01


Note: The emissivity value is expressed by a factor of

100, meaning that an emissivity value of 0.95 will appear

as 95E on the display. More examples: Emissivity

value of 1.00 will appear as 100E, emissivity value of

0.15 will appear as 15E on the display, etc.

3. Once the desired emissivity value appears on the

display, press the MODE button to confirm the

value. (HOLD will appear on the display and the

unit will turn off after 15 seconds.)
This emissivity value will be used for all temperature

measurements until the value is re-set.