Screensaver – chiliGREEN P4VTB User Manual
Page 25

The xscreensaver daemon waits until the keyboard and mouse have been idle for a period,
and then runs a graphics demo chosen at random. The demo is terminated as soon as
there is any mouse or keyboard activity.
The xscreensaver-demo program is the graphical user interface to xscreensaver. It lets
you tune the various parameters used by the xscreensaver daemon, and browse through
the graphics demos.
StudioFun! comes with xscreensaver when you click on the screensaver icon the
application comes up. Then user can choose various graphics demos like
chbg,halo,hypercube or hyperball.
Screensaver comes with various options
• Preview Option: When a user selects a particular graphics demo and clicks on preview
button the demo comes up.
• Blank After Option: The screensaver will blank the screen after the keyboard and mouse
have been idle default time is 1minute and user can change the settings.
• Cycle After Option: When screensaver is running this cycle time defines the time limit for
each screensaver.
• Mode Screensaver comes with various modes:
1. Random Screen Saver: When user chooses this option, Screensaver cycles through
various graphics demos randomly