Allen&Heath XONE DB4 User Manual
Page 17

Allen & Heath
XONE:DB4 User Guide
Adjusts the length of the loop according to the value shown in the loop display window.
The loop can be adjusted from 4 bars to 1/16th of a beat (displayed as “-1”). Clockwise
rotation of the control doubles the loop length, anti-clockwise rotation of the control
halves the loop length.
Pressing the top of the encoder will turn the looper on. When the looper is active the
input source and channel Trim control are by-passed, however the loop can be further
processed by the EQ, and the channel FX unit.
The loop switch has two modes of operation:
LATCHING ACTIVATION - A short tap on the switch latches the loop on. The
loop is turned off by the same action.
MOMENTARY ACTIVATION - Pushing and holding the switch will turn the loop on,
releasing the switch will automatically turn the loop off.
Illuminates whilst the loop is active. A small “L” will also appear in the main mixer BPM
display window when a loop is active.
The LOOP section of the XONE:DB4 provides automatic
looping of the source audio for up to FOUR bars at
60BPM or above. Even if the loop length is set to loop
after one bar for instance, the audio will continue to be
recorded for the maximum four bars, allowing you to
expand the loop if desired. The loop length is non-
destructive and can be expanded or contracted at will.
Loops are not stored in memory so turning the looper off,
or powering down the mixer will erase the current loop.
With V2 firmware installed extended looper functions can
be accessed by pairing the mixer to a Xone:K2 connected
via X-Link. See page 30 for details.
The Loop Display is comprised of two seven-segment displays. The display shows the
loop length that is currently selected.
4- = 4 bars
21 = 2 beats
14 = 1/4 beat
2- = 2 bars
11 = 1 beat
18 = 1/8 beat
1- = 1 bar
12 = 1/2 beat
-1 = 1/16th beat
The decimal point of the right hand seven-segment display shows current BPM activity.
The beat detection process is automatic and is discussed in greater detail on Page 24.
The looper on the XONE:DB4 operates in ROLL mode, meaning that the source material will
continue playing even though you will only hear the loop.