2 – speed setup (menu

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MyChron Expansion

User Manual

Release 1.02


This screen is only available with the kart engine off; it is thereby necessary to manually
move the pedals to change shown values.

In case one or more sensors that need calibration are set, the system shows “CAL” button.
Otherwise it does not.


3.2 – Speed Setup (Menu<Control panel<Speed Setup)

It is an additional function that appears in the menu only when MyChron4 is connected to
MyChron Expansion and channel 1 is set on “Speed”. Selecting this icon the related
configuration screen appears.

Please note: modifying speed measure unit from km/h in mph wheel circumference

is recomputed in inches too.

1 0

3.3 – Potentiometers calibration (Menu<Control panel<Sensors

Setup<View Sensors)

Magnetic position sensor (“MagAccel”), throttle (“Throt”), brake (“PotBrk”) and steering
(“Steer”) potentiometer need calibration: press “CAL” button highlighted in “View Sensors”
screen here below (paragraph 4.1).