1 sicherheitshinweise – ADS-TEC RAC2000 User Manual User Manual
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RAC2000 series
© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
2 Notes on Operation & Safety
This device contains electrical voltages and extremely sensitive components. Intervention by the user is only
designated for establishing the required cable connections. The manufacturer or a service partner authorised by
the manufacturer should be consulted if you plan to make further modifications. Before beginning any works on
this device, it must be disconnected from the power supply. Suitable measures for avoiding any electrostatic
discharges towards components must be taken. If the device is opened by an unauthorised person, hazards for
the user might arise and any warranty claim will cease.
General Instructions
All users must read this manual and have access to it at all times
Installation, commissioning and operation may only be carried out by trained and
qualified staff
The security instructions and the manual itself must be observed by all persons who
work with this device
At the location of use, the valid guidelines and regulations for accident prevention
must be observed
The manual contains the most important instructions on how to use this device in a
safe way
Appropriate storage, proper transport, installation and commissioning, as well as
careful operation are prerequisites for ensuring safe and proper operation of this
Only original ads‐tec firmware / software is allowed for any of the adjustments and
features described in this User’s Guide. Deployment of any firmware / software that has
not been released by ads‐tec will terminate all warranty conditions.
2.1 Sicherheitshinweise
Any installation works on the device are only permitted if the power supply is switched
off, and handling the device is safe.
All unit mounting operations must be strictly conducted under safe, secure and zero‐
potential conditions.
Please observe applicable security measures when handling electronic components
sensitive to electrostatic charges.
(DIN EN 61340‐5‐1 / DIN EN 61340‐5‐2)