8 service & support, 1 ads‐tec support, 2 company adress – ADS-TEC RAC2000 User Manual User Manual
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RAC2000 series
© ads‐tec GmbH • Raiffeisenstr.14 • 70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
8 Service & Support
The ads‐tec company and their partner companies offer a comprehensive service and support to your customers
providing a quick and professional support in case of any question with respect to ads‐tec products and
Since the devices from ads‐tec company are also used by partner companies, these devices might be configured
according to specific customer requirements. Should any question or issue with respect to specific configurations
and software installations arise, it can only be resolved by the system manufacturer.
For devices not directly purchased from ads‐tec, we cannot be responsible for the support. In this case, the
support is provided by our partner company.
8.1 ads‐tec Support
The ads‐tec support team is available for direct clients from Monday to Friday from
08:30 AM to 05:00 PM using the following phone number:
Phone: +49 711 45894‐500
+49 711 45894‐990
Email: mailbox@ads‐tec.de
8.2 Company adress
Automation Daten‐ und Systemtechnik GmbH
Raiffeisenstraße 14
D‐70771 Leinfelden‐Echterdingen
Phone: +49 711 45894‐0
+49 711 45894‐990
E‐Mail: mailbox@ads‐tec.de
Home: www.ads‐tec.de