Control sms, Sms from bri gsm gateway – 2N BRI Lite/Enterprise v1.6 User Manual
Page 102

Control SMS
AT^SX=ch – (sms listing) request to list all SMS messages and status
confirmations saved on SIM card. Possible answers:: *smserr (busy,list) or
*smsinc (ix=1..255) for each saved SMS or status SMS messages, end of list or
empty SIM card – *smsinc (ix=0).
AT^SR=ch,ix – (sms read) request to read SMS or status SMS saved in SIM
card. Possible answers: *smserr (busy,read) or *smspdu
AT^SD=ch,ix – (sms delete) request to delete SMS message (or status SMS
message). Possible answers: *smserr (busy,delete) or *smsdel
AT^SM=ch,len,pdu,csum – (sms to module) request to send message via GSM
module 0..31 or via any GSM module (ch=32). Possible answers: *smserr
(busy,write) or *smsout
AT^SG=grp,len,pdu,csum – (sms to group) request to send SMS message via
GSM group 1..8. Possible answers: *smserr (busy,write) or *smsout
SMS from BRI GSM Gateway
*smsinc: ch,ix,sts – SMS message was received and saved into SIM card:
Ch…GSM module number 0..31
Ix…index number of saved SMS 0..255
Sts…SMS status
*smsrep: ch,ix – SMS status confirmation was received and saved to SIM card
(this message is only for GSM modules TC35 and GM47)
*smsout: ch,ix,ref – SMS message was sent and was not saved into SIM card:
Ref…reference number of sent SMS 0..255 (will be used in SMS status
confirmation message)
*smspdu: ch,ix,sts,len,pdu,csum – content of SMS message or status
Len…SMS length (number of bytes in PDU)
Pdu…message content in PDU format
Csum…Checksum of all PDU bytes (2 hexa digits) calculated without carry
*smsdel: ch,ix – SMS message or status confirmation was deleted from position