3 filling hydraulic fluid, 4 changing hydraulic oil filter, 5 lubrication – Echo LS21 Owners Manual v.2 User Manual
Page 17: Important, English
Before inspecting or servicing any part of this machine, shut off power source,
and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop.
5.5 luBrICaTIon
Polyurea and lithium-based greases are not
compatible. Mixing the two grease types may lead to
premature failure.
Do not over grease bearings. Overfilling can lead to
excessive heat and/or unseating of the seals. Add
grease slowly and under light pressure. Whenever
possible, rotate bearing slowly while lubricating.
lubricate the machine periodically with a lithium-based
grease. Extreme working conditions will require more
frequent greasing. Check the wheel bearings after the first
20-25 hours of use and repack with grease once a year.
5.3 FIllInG HYDraulIC FluID
5.4 CHanGInG HYDraulIC oIl FIlTer
Change the hydraulic oil filter after the first 50 hours of
operation and every 200 hours thereafter.
To change the hydraulic oil filter:
1. using an oil filter wrench, turn the filter counterclockwise.
2. Once the filter becomes loose, turn it out the rest of the
way with your hand.
3. Properly discard old filter.
4. lube the rubber seal on the new filter (PN 16922) with
clean hydraulic oil.
5. Install the filter onto the threaded pipe. Turn with your
hand until the filter is finger tight.
6. using an oil filter wrench, tighten the filter another ½
7. Check hydraulic oil level and fill if necessary.
The hydraulic system on this log splitter comes filled with
high performance Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
to accommodate operation in temperatures below 32
degrees F (0 degrees C). When adding or replacing ATF,
use a Dexron
III or Mercon
qualified product. Check
the fluid on level ground with the jack stand in the down
Do noT mIX HYDraulIC FluID wITH aTF. THIs maY
DamaGe THe sYsTem anD CoulD voID warranTY.
Do noT overFIll.
FIll THe HYDraulIC FluID TanK wITH THe ram