5 vertical operation, Caution – Echo LS21 Owners Manual v.2 User Manual
Page 14

4.5 verTICal oPeraTIon
The main beam of the log splitter can be flipped vertically
to split wood. Perform the following steps for vertical
1. When at all possible, keep log splitter attached to a
towing vehicle. If you are unable to do this, secure the
2. Turn the engine off.
3. Pull the spring-loaded pin located under the main beam.
4. lift the base of the hydraulic cylinder to flip the main
beam into vertical position.
5. resume normal operation.
Depending upon the type of wood being split, a log may
not always break into two pieces and fall to the ground.
If a log sticks to the wedge and starts to return with the
wedge during reverse, stop the cylinder retraction and
remove the wood. Care should be taken to prevent the
wood piece from falling on parts of your body.